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Nick Antonelli
Folk Singer Songwriter
Home: Welcome
Nick Antonelli is the epitome of a folk singer songwriter who sets his life to music. Whether he’s talking about a group of friends at a small town bar or the yearn to escape midwestern life, his haunting guitar and vocals will keep you hanging onto every word. He prides himself on having lots of life experience to draw upon, while maintaining a mature and observant style that's well-versed in societal issues. His aim is not to tell the listener what to do, but rather to tell stories and help those who are struggling, disenchanted, angry or searching to find a voice of comfort and shared experiences through his work.

Home: About
New Album "To GEt To Here" Out Now!
Home: Contact
For booking and general business inquiries, please fill out the contact form.
Album produced by: BruNjo Music Production and Studio
Producer: Amelia Eisenhauer
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